Sunday, July 20, 2008

New Job

So, I'm a waitress now. Officially, I believe . . . . Training is 3 day shifts as a server, 3 night shifts as a server, & 2 shifts as a host. Tonight, I get a night shift as a hostess & Tuesday, I get my morning shift as a hostess. As far as I'm concerned, I have no more shifts as a server with a trainer, so I am officially a server. (Shut up . . . it makes sense.) And as a trainee, I've already had quite the experience.

Day One, Day shift: Discover all the duties of a server & nurse a growing fear that I'm screwed.

Day Two, Day shift: Study menu, lessen fear, Smile excessively.

Day Three, Night shift: Piss off the manager on duty. Good job. Try not to laugh when trainer draws a whipped cream penis on her friend's plate. Fail not to laugh when friend screams, "IS THAT A PENIS?!?!" in the midedle of a full restaurant.

Day Four, Night shift: Piss off the same manager, stammer instead of explain, swallow fear while serving a table of 16.

Day Five, Day shift: Serve by myself, get specifically requested by a customer, smile at compliments & good wishes all day, try to keep my ego in check.

Day Six, Night shift: Go in sick, serve table of 34, CLEAN table of 34, find condom on the floor, furrow brow, continue evening, manage to not drop salad dishes when the cook spilled searing hot chili on me, clock out an hour & a half after the end of the shift.

And on the seventh day, I shall rest . . . until I go in for training as the host.

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