Sunday, March 1, 2009


I feel kinda bad for letting this blog die off . . . maybe I can bring it back . . . but I do have a myspace blog that I keep very fresh & soon I'll be blogging for the school paper's website . . . so I'll be juggling two *without* this one . . . so I'll see what happens. I doubt many people read this one anyway - but if you do, do me a favour & leave a comment so I can get an idea of my audience. If it's significant I'll bring this blog back. Cause there's always stuff to write about. Always.

My current situation:

Still working at the Crackpot, taking Theatre History 1 (the last one I need!), Math (required), Writing Fiction (so much fun), & Tap (fun, but thoroughly frustrating) this semester. Irene & Dal are both in shows & I'm oh so jealous. I missed all opportunities to audition last semester because of the haunt . . . which by the way still hasn't paid the other actors. Dal & I got our money because we were obnoxious about it. The others are suing.

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