Friday, October 19, 2007

Intruders! Intruders!

Good lord, something's going on today. First of all, I realized that I won't be able to meet with John Glover today because I'm leaving early for a consultation regarding having my wisdom teeth pulled. Oh well. My own fault for not thinking ahead. I should have met with him earlier - but then he wouldn't have been able to help me with my monologue because I didn't have it memorized earlier. Hey, he drives a steel grey Pontiac. Anyway, some sort of presentation or sale of some sort is going on. Right near the spot where I always am. And the noise level is somewhere between a buzz & a ruckus, leaving me not disrupted but kind of irritable. And irritable is not a good thing to be when people keep coming up to me & asking me questions that I don't know the answer to. "Can you fix my computer?" "Where do you register?" "Do you have a wire that will connect a laptop to this random screen?" I don't really know what's going on, but from what I can see, I'm glad I don't have my wallet today because it would be empty. Looks like fun stuff.
I may happily deal with the market area seven feet away from me, but the couch that I sit on has become a meeting place for people who are involved in whatever this is. So while I type away at my laptop & flip between my mail, my myspace, my blog, my message board, & AIM, I'm surrounded by people who are really packed in talking about people & things & events in their lives that are completely trivial. If you're going to make me listen, say something interesting.

Have you ever read anything by Eudora Welty? Don't. It's just like this. It is SO boring. She writes like we're her friends. Nothing exciting happens. She tells a story of when she got her hair done . . . & she talked to the hairdresser . . . & that's it. A story you might care to hear if you were here friend or if you knew the hairdresser, but what the hell do I care? There is no POINT. There's not climax or conflict or anything.

So yeah. Random people, talking about random things too loudly for me to shut out. And since the beginning of the post the noise level has risen to between a ruckus & a roar. Two hours I have to wait for my first (& last) class to start. And when it ends, I have an hour before leaving & I seriously doubt I'll have my seat back.

I really need to knit up a storm this weekend. I put it down for a week & I'm so far behind . . .

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