Sunday, December 9, 2007

Brian's Car

So today was an event . . .

In the morning, we drove up to PA to pick up Vikki, had lunch at a Cheeburger, Cheeburger right by the state line, headed back down to MD, went shopping at Borders for a good long time, went to Brian's apartment to decorate, & then took Vikki back to PA.

The very first trip & the very last trip (the two 2-hour chunks during which Vikki was not in the car - she can be very distracting, driving or not) I drove. Brian's car. Brian's tiny little scion. Oh my God. This car is unbelievable. I've been driving in my mother's car the whole time I've been learnign how to drive. I'm comfortable in it. Well, too bad. Because her car cost $1 (literally, which is another story) & was probably driven by Methuselah when he turned 20. It is a hunk-o-junk. Don't get me wrong, I love it, I'm used to it, attached to it. It's the size of a yacht, but I can see the hood. And the trunk. I have reference points. The reference points on Brian's car are the brightness of your headlights/tailights on the object you're trying to avoid.

So the trips were interesting because of the massive difference on how the cars are built & how they operate. Brian's car can turn on a dime. My mother's can turn on a circus tent. Also, Brian's car actually slows down when you step on the brake. There are some interesting pressure games in my mother's car, but Brian's is VERY responsive. So it was a bit of a rough ride while I got used to that. :)

Finals this week!

Monday - Regular classes
Tuesday - 3:00 - 5:00 Philosophy Exam
Wednesday - No classes for me! Study day!
Thursday - 12:30 - 2:30 Script Analysis Exam
Friday - 10:15 - 12:15 Acting Exam . . . 12:15 Lunch with chums. The end of the semester. Celebration ensues, I go home smiling, lose myself in a flurry of knitting, & go back to the stricter phase of the diet to abuptly lose as much more weight as I can before I go back at the end of January for my next semester (which, lemme tell you, has a VERY interesting schedule, but I got psych!!!)

1 comment:

Mimi19 said...

That was kind of what it was like going from diving my mom's car to driving mine. SuddenlyI could turn and stop so easily. When I got my car back after being in the shop for a month and me driving my mom's the first time I had to stop I pressed the breaks so hard me and my dad lurched forward. Did you get Dr. Ianonne for psych? If you did tell her Trisha from her 101 class at Villa Julie last semster says hi.